How to Choose Acedemic Project topics for B.E/
Hey there! I usually get lot of requests on how to choose project or thesis topic for academic project of B.E or Master’s. So thought it would be good if I share this one with everyone so that they can get benefitted by this and be in right direction after they complete their graduation or post-graduation. Now you might be thinking why I’m talking about right professional career direction here in this blog where I said I will be sharing my views on how to choose a project topic? Both of these things are linked to each other. Read along to understand how choosing your project topic will help you be in right direction for your professional career. I have seen many people, while choosing their project topic, they just choose something that’s easy or data for that particular project is available easily or there should not be any challenges while doing it. A general trend is most of the people choose projects on CONCRETE. Simple reasons for that is Concrete projects are re...
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